Monday, June 23, 2008

It's been a long time....

Well, I knew I was not going to be any good at this, but from fellow blogger friends, it is always hard to get these things going! So, I am going to have to do a bit of catching up from the last post...(my only 2!). A lot has been going on. The kids are finally out of school for the summer! I think they are relieved, I am a bit nervous, but all in all things are going good so far. Morgan also "graduated" from preschool and is really looking forward to starting kindergarten in the fall. But our biggest news of all is that we have moved into our new house! It has been exciting as well as exhausting at the same time! For the most part, we are unpacked, but we still have many lingering tubs full of "stuff" that will just have to wait!
As for the pictures, the first one is of Mike and Morgan at her graduation, the second one is of the new house, and last, Mike, me, Morgan, and Keifer is hiding in the back...Landon was taking the picture.
Well, I think we are pretty much up to date now. I am still working on different things with the site, so don't be surprised if you come back and it looks totally different!


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