Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dog Days....

I wanted to post a few pictures of our "puppy" on here. We got him back in June and have been having a great time with him. It is a bit of a challenge having a dog, much less a big one in the house, but the kids love him and he has definitely become a part of our family.
The first picture is him looking out the window at the baby bunny who lives in our yard at the moment. When he goes outside, that is the first place he runs to, but the rabbit is too fast for him!
And, when he is not plotting an attack on the rabbit, he is napping on the bed, mike's pillow to be exact! This is where is likes to sleep while I am working. He has such a ruff life (pun intended)!
I will post more here soon, along with some new ones of the kids at Halloween. They had a great time!
Also, I am working on catching up on the blog and keeping it current. A lot of things are happening right now and will be as the holidays approach! Can you believe there are only 36 more days until Christmas?!! Happy shopping!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so I have not posted in a while (4 months!) but getting used to this blogging thing is harder than I thought! But I am really going to try to be better! I am inspired by other blogging buddies now!

To the picture, I just had to post this! I got gas the other day and I thought I better get a picture of this 'cause who knows how long prices will stay this low! (And, I never have my camera in the car, I just happened to that day...go figure!)

Stay tuned, more pictures to come, this time of the a lot of blog catching up to do!